I don't think I have ever read a more succinct essay relative to what makes things "tick" in any world -- business, government, military, international relations or even on the play ground in grammar school. THE WORDS HERE ARE BASIC RAW TRUTH. Judd Garrett puts the hay down where where the goats can get it in SPADES. No BS, no whining and crying with crocodile tears, no bobbing and weaving, no if ands or buts, no .... Just BLUNT truth of how things work. This essay is classic and will remain treasured my my library of essays.
I don't think I have ever read a more succinct essay relative to what makes things "tick" in any world -- business, government, military, international relations or even on the play ground in grammar school. THE WORDS HERE ARE BASIC RAW TRUTH. Judd Garrett puts the hay down where where the goats can get it in SPADES. No BS, no whining and crying with crocodile tears, no bobbing and weaving, no if ands or buts, no .... Just BLUNT truth of how things work. This essay is classic and will remain treasured my my library of essays.